‘Cross-Currents’ – Second Italian/English Anthology Featuring Welsh Poets

Translating the work of English-language poets has raised the bar for literary translation among postgraduate students at the University of Salerno. Literary translation is a skill that sits comfortably in the background when it’s done well, invisible to the eye and ear; an art form in its own right to delight and engage its audience in whatever language they find it. Correnti Incrociate 2 (‘Cross-currents 2’), the latest in the poetry chapbook series from Mosaïque […]

Welsh Book Shop

There seems to be a bit of a revolution in the book world happening at the moment.  Lots of people, retailers, especially the smaller outlets are struggling with the giant that is Amazon and many local book shops are going out of business because they simply can’t compete with the US giant. It’s a tricky one really, because Amazon does provide a great platform and allows small indie writers to compete with the bigger traditionally […]