This website costs money to produce and is also very time-consuming. The costs are domain name, web hosting, design and maintenance. It has been created to help all Welsh writers and we receive no funding or support from any of the arts/literary organisations in Wales (even though they get millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money to promote you) so if you would like to offer financial support for us to continue with this project then please consider the following methods:
Blog Post
If you would like to advertise your company, business or event, e.g. ‘Publishing Services’, ‘Writing Retreat’, ‘New Book Launch’ etc. then why not consider a paid blog post? We charge just £60 for a post – click here to see examples.
If this is of interest just send us a quick email for how to proceed.
Book Adverts
On the right-hand side of each page you will see adverts (widgets) for books. If you would like your book featured here then just drop us details via email. Prices are £60 per year.
Buy A Book
If you purchase any book from this site using the links we offer, then we get a small percentage as a commission. It’s usually just a couple of pennies but it all adds up.
Click this link to visit my own Amazon Author Profile.
Click this link to visit the Welsh Book Shop and help support small local sellers.
Donate via PayPal
On the homepage, we also have this same button. For those people who would like to just make a small one-off donation just click the button below and choose an amount to give to us:
Google Banner Ads
And lastly, any page you see with a banner ad like the one below, if you click on it, you get directed to a new website and we get a small commission from Google. These ads are not controlled by us and are not connected to the site. If you don’t like what you see simply click ‘Back’ on your browser to return to our site.
If you have any other questions just send us an email –
3 thoughts on “Support Us”
A great idea and much needed since the demise of the Literature Wales effort. Great to have all our best writers in one place. I shall help by clicking the ads and will definitely buy some books through this site as well. Good luck with it.
Excellent website!!! Why Lit Wales got rid of their old one I’ll never know – probably too much work for the lazy sods. You are to be commended for your efforts sir, keep up the good work!
Dave you are a legend! Others talk the talk you just get on and do things. I hope someone thinks to reward you for all your efforts trying to promote Wales. Good on you 🙂
R J Davies