International Poetry Book Awards

The organisers of the international Poetry Book Awards have announced the shortlist for their 2024 contest. Judge, Mick Evans has selected the following books.  It was such a close call with a few poets and the list could easily have been 11 or 12 but our shortlist ‘Top 10’ for this year is below: Shortlist (in no particular order) A Party Business – Roger Elkin Adam in the Garden – AE Hines Cities Within Us […]

Welsh Book Shop

There seems to be a bit of a revolution in the book world happening at the moment.  Lots of people, retailers, especially the smaller outlets are struggling with the giant that is Amazon and many local book shops are going out of business because they simply can’t compete with the US giant. It’s a tricky one really, because Amazon does provide a great platform and allows small indie writers to compete with the bigger traditionally […]

Poetry Book Awards

The Poetry Book Awards is an annual, international book award given to the best poetry books produced by indie writers, self published authors or books published by independent or small presses. Even though more and more people are enjoying and participating in creative writing it is becoming increasingly difficult to become traditionally published, especially in the poetry world. Most of the top book prizes and competitions do not allow self published authors to enter. If they […]