Dewi Zephaniah Phillips

Dewi Zephaniah Phillips (1934 – 2006), known as D. Z. Phillips, was born in Swansea and was a leading proponent of Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion. He studied at Swansea University (1952–58) and the University of Oxford (St Catherine’s Society) (1958–61). He had an academic career spanning five decades, and at the time of his death he held the Danforth Chair in Philosophy of religion at Claremont Graduate University, California, and was Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Swansea University. The ‘Swansea school’ of thought is, perhaps, most thoroughly articulated as a positive research program in Phillips’ own book on the subject, ‘Philosophy’s Cool Place’ (1999), in which he argues for the merits of “contemplative philosophy.” He was instrumental in the founding of the Taliesin Arts Centre on the university campus in Swansea, and promoted the use of the Welsh language in local schools.

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