Useful Links

Below is a list of websites/resources that you might find useful:

Angel Mountain Blog
Antarctic explorer and successful author Brian John‘s honest and uncensored blog about Wales and Welsh culture.

Best Selling Books
The best-selling books on Amazon from Wales, about Wales or with a Welsh connection.

International Welsh Poetry Competition
Founded in 2007 by poet Dave Lewis and environmentalist John Evans this annual, global contest seeks to encourage Welsh writers that have been overlooked by the arts establishment in Wales to gain greater recognition for their work.

National Library of Wales
The Library is situated in Aberystwyth, on the Ceredigion coast, and must have one of the best views of any Library in the world, looking out over Cardigan Bay.

Poetry Book Awards
The international Poetry Book Awards is an annual prize given to the best poetry books produced by indie writers, self-published authors or books published by independent or small presses.

Publish & Print
South Wales self-publishing company that helps new writers (both traditionally published and ‘indies’) get into print.

RCT Creative Writers Group
The Group meet on a monthly basis and are open to all who share a love of the written word. Meetings are on the first Friday of every month at Pontypridd Museum from 10:00am-12:00pm. Over refreshments, we discuss various topics (past and present), future projects and also have guest speakers.

Wales Books
A collection of various Welsh-related publications and history of Wales by famous historian Terry Breverton.

Large high street book shop with a wide selection of the latest best sellers.  Branches in Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, Wrexham, Carmarthen, Abergavenny, Aberystwyth & Llandudno.

Web Design Wales
Professional web design company based in South Wales that can help authors get a web presence at very reasonable prices.

Welsh Book Shop
Support local bookshops and help small independent booksellers, writers and artists.

Welsh Writers
Facebook group with over 1000 members where news of the International Welsh Poetry Competition, Poetry Book Awards and new books by Welsh authors and poets are shared.

Writers & Artists
Industry advice for writers and artists, we have expert advice articles, inspirational author interviews, competitions, a lively online community and editorial services for every stage of your writing journey.

Writing Magazine
This monthly magazine is the UK’s biggest and bestselling magazine for writers.

Writing Online
A great resource for all writers. Whether you’re new to writing and need some inspiration, or are looking to get your next novel published, we have everything you need to help you accomplish your dreams.

More to be added soon…

Going Off Grid by Dave Lewis